
Nobel Prize in Physics
By Steven J. Grisafi, PhD.

Each year, the first week of October, I die a little more. Yet I congratulate Penrose, Genzel and Ghez for their outstanding work.

I die a little more each year at this time because of the obstinacy to recognize the truth. Photons have no mass. But they have momentum. Recognizing that force is the time rate of change of momentum would have allowed Isaac Newton to predict the existence of black holes. One does not need General Relativity Theory for this

I recognize the trend. It is to continue to reward work that has empirical verification but utilizes General Relativity Theory. It is clear to me how physicists throughout the world would explain this to the general public. They would say: Look, here we have empirical confirmation of black holes. Here we have empirical confirmation of gravitational waves (actually they are inertial waves). And here we have the predictions of General Relativity Theory confirmed by both. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

But General Relativity Theory is still wrong. This is not a matter of inference to the best explanation. General Relativity Theory violates the fundamental principles of mechanics. Just as the economists have been doing, physicists have been trying to re-define the problem away. A body at rest is defined as one with zero momentum. General Relativity Theory predicts a non-zero momentum for a body at rest. Engineers have understood this for more a than half a century. However, no physicist with an established reputation will explain to the general public, that General Relativity Theory is not necessary for predicting either gravitational waves nor black holes, and that it violates the fundamental principles of mechanics. I have just done so. But nobody pays any attention to me